Monday, July 19, 2010

First post!!

Hey everyone! So excited for my first blog post....since xanga way back when. I thought this would be a great way for friends and family to track my year in New Orleans as a member of Americorps State, working for the St. Bernard Project to rebuild homes for victims of Hurricane Katrina. A few hours ago I got back from BCI in California....truly a life-altering month and something I am so glad that I did. Lots of new life skills to bring with me! I officially start work on August 16th and am looking for an apartment, so if anyone knows of anyone looking to live in the Bywater area let me know!!

Keep checking for updates (obviously more frequently once I actually get down there!!)

Lots of love,


  1. Great idea, Laura! Good way to keep in touch with everybody, as well as record your experience.
