Wednesday, September 1, 2010

New Place!

Finally finished moving into my new place and it looks great! I saw my first cockroach last night which apparently is just part of living in the south. Even the cleanest places have them! Thank goodness I have boy housemates who took care of it for me....I would just rather not deal with them :)

Doby, one of my housemates dog, is the sweetest little thing and I think she really likes having a girl in the place. I have a pillow that I don't use so it is now her bed and she likes sitting with me in the air conditioning and trying to get my attention. She is only 10 pounds and the cutest little thing ever. SO happy I get to play with a doggie! And I have the added bonus of not being responsible for her which is always nice.

I have decorated my place and only need a few minor things (extension cord, another lamp, nightstand) and then I will be all set. I finally have a big girl bed!! It is so cool. I love it. My first real place :)

Work is going well. I will definitely miss making the funny videos but we won the Pepsi Refresh grant!! That is so wonderful, but deep down I always thought of it as ours so although it was great to actually win, I can't say I was surprised. A big BIG thank you to everyone who voted! You are helping us do some really great things.

Stuff is going well here and I am enjoying settling into my new place. I definitely need to scrub the bathroom/kitchen......that probably hasn't been done in some time. My room is very big and has plenty of room for visitors!!!!
